Southside Baptist Church
805 W Walsh Blvd / (573) 594-2821

In August 1917, a committee from the First Baptist Church was appointed to investigate the possibility of building a mission. On September 5, 1917, the committee reported that a building 24' x 50' would cost approximately $850.00. On October 10, 1917, LB Arvin, pastor of the First Baptist Church, appointed a committee to choose the location and build the building. The building, known at that time as "The Baptist Mission," was dedicated on the second Sunday on May 1918. The first revival was held on January 23, 1922. During those years Sunday school was the main activity. In 1935 the Sunday school was recognized by the Southern Baptist Sunday School Board as the only "Standard Sunday School" in a mission in the state of Missouri. In May 1949, the name was changed to Boulevard Baptist Chapel. On January 30, 1952, Robert Peveler was called as pastor, and under his leadership the Boulevard Baptist Chapel voted on December 3, 1952, a resolution in the form of a petition to organize a Southern Baptist Church. The organizational meeting was held December 12, 1952, with Albert Fauth of First Baptist Church as a moderator. The charter was signed by 50 members. Southside Baptist Church was begun. On February 10, 1953, the church was incorporated. In June 1955, a two-story addition on the back of the building for educational space. The groundbreaking for this addition begun in September 1955. The men of the church did the actual construction.
In August 1962, the church voted to start a new building fund to be able one day to erect a new building. In June 1964, the lot just east of the church was donated by Anabel McCollum. Groundbreaking for the new church was held on June 21, 1969. The church was accepted as finished on March 4, 1970, and the first service was held Easter Sunday, March 29, 1970. In 1985, with gifts from the memorial fund, a church steeple with a cross was erected. On December 5, 1990, the church voted to tear down the original building to allow for more parking and to allow for a new addition. The new addition was completed in July 1995. The building was dedicated to the Glory of God on October 8, 1995.