First Presbyterian Church
214 N Jefferson St / (573) 594-2049

The Presbyterian Church USA organized at Vandalia in 1871. This group was commonly known as the "Springdale Group" This group was never very strong according to historical records. On September 4, 1873, the Southern Presbyterian organized and built a church. On April 8, 1887, the Northern and Southern Presbyterian Churches united. In 1885, this group formed the Vandalia Cumberland Presbyterian Church with 24 members. In 1893, the first building was constructed, completed and dedicated on July 30, 1893. At this time there were 73 members. In 1906, the union of the local Presbyterian churches was consummated, and the church accepted the Presbyterian USA name. In 1925, plans for a new building were discussed and the submitted plans were approved by the Session. The basement was constructed largely by donated labor. The cornerstone was laid in September 1932 and the church was moved from the corner lots to the center of the lots over the newly constructed basement. The original building was enlarged and is the main part of the building today. In 1952, under new leadership, the Vandalia Presbyterian Church planned an addition to the church that would be used for Christian education. The new addition was dedicated on February 15, 1953.
Copied from words written by Ernestine Wallce to dedicate the 1992 church directory,
"Through the years, under good leadership and membership growth, the workings inside the church were growing along with the expansion of the building. Men and women have worked side by side in the physical upkeep of the church as well as its Spiritual growth. In 1885, the women of the original church were entrusted to purchase a bell for the new building. Today the same bell rests stately in the tower above the building and is revered part of the church history. Its peal may be heard each Sunday morning as Sunday School begins. May our Faith abide in our Presbyterian heritage!"