First Baptist Church
101 N Main / (573) 594-6535

First Baptist Church of Vandalia was organized with 13 charter members in September 1870 at the site of the former New Michigan School south of the present town. The organizing of the church, known as New Michigan Baptist Church, was the result of a revival meeting conducted by Elder M. S. Whiteside. Elder S. Noel became the first pastor. After its move to town in 1872, the name of the church was changed to Vandalia Baptist Church and was known by this name until 1954 when it was incorporated as the First Baptist Church. In 1999, the church purchased the former Save-A-Lot grocery store located across Lindell St from the old church, and after extensive repair and renovations, it opened the building as a Family Life Center. The First Baptist Church has maintained a strong spiritual influence since before the town of Vandalia was even founded and continues that tradition today.